Last Update: 11/12/2023

About this Electronic Headquarters


The scope of application of the headquarters includes all the bodies of the Department.


The Under-Secretariat of the Department.

Agencies Responsible

Online Address

The online address will be

Access to the Legal Instrument governing the Creation of this Electronic Headquarters

e-Government Regulations

Use of the Ministry’s Electronic Stamp

Use of the Electronic Stamp and CSV in the e-Registry.

The Electronic Stamp and CSV are used to sign acknowledgements of entries in the Ministry of Health, Consumer Affairs and Social Welfare’s e-Registry, and record their receipt.

Use of the Electronic Stamp and CSV in the Electronic Notification System for Appearance in the Electronic Headquarters

The Electronic Stamp is used to sign the notification receipt made available to the citizen through the Electronic Notification System for Appearance in the Electronic Headquarters.

Use of the Electronic Stamp and CSV in the Signature Report

The Electronic Stamp is used to sign the signature report of signed documents in the corporate “portafirmas” system.

Use of the Electronic Stamp in Electronic Records

The Electronic Stamp is used to sign the index of generated electronic records.

Administrative procedures in which the Ministry’s Electronic Stamp is used for other purposes