Access to the Common e-registry
A través del anterior enlace, can access the electronic common register for the submission of any requests, written and communications targeted at the General State Administration. can obtain information about who may submit applications in the register or any doubts concerning page Frequently asked questions
For the registration must have NIC electronic or digital certificate into force
To use this service is necessary that the computer has the following technical requirements incurred:
Agree with the Organic Law 15 / 1999, of 14 December
, it is reported that personal data to be provided by the following form shall be incorporated in the personal file of the electronic registration common, with the aim of managing applications, communications and writings of overall purpose to the General State Administration. the body to which must be targeted for the exercise of rights of access, rectification and cancellation under the terms described in the law in force is the State Secretariat of public administrations, C / Maria de Molina, 50 - 28006 Madrid.